2024-2025 Premier League 2
Missing Data
This page indicates what data is missing from the match for the fixture to meet the 100% completion mark.
Starting Line-ups do not contain 11 players on each side.
Everton U21 starting XI is missing
11 player(s).
+33% The
Nottingham Forest U21 starting XI is missing
11 player(s).
+33% The match does not have an
+3%The match does not have a
Programme Cover uploaded.
+3% The match has
Events (Goals, Bookings, Substitutions) that do not have a defined minute of action.
+3% The match does not have
Substitutes defined for both sides.
+3% The number of
Goal Events does not equal the total number of goals in the match. There is currently
6 goals unassigned.
Everton U21 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 - 6
Nottingham Forest U21 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |