1996-1997 Isthmian Associate Members Trophy Final
Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only Registered users only
Substitutes: Registered users only Registered users only
Missing Data
This page indicates what data is missing from the match for the fixture to meet the 100% completion mark.
Starting Line-ups do not contain 11 players on each side.
Leighton Town starting XI is missing
11 player(s).
+33%The match has
Events (Goals, Bookings, Substitutions) that do not have a defined minute of action.
+3% The match does not have
Substitutes defined for both sides.
+3% The number of
Goal Events does not equal the total number of goals in the match. There is currently
1 goal unassigned.
Leighton Town |
6 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
3 - 6
Wealdstone |
6 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
11 - 5
1 previous meeting at a neutral venue. Neutral games are indicated by the attendance field with a background |